Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Thirteen routes of life

One: I love you not because of your personality,perhaps because of the personality that I find when I'm with you.
Two: nobody doesn't have worthiness of   your tears and who has it never caused you cry.
Three: If someone doesn't love you in the way that you want,It doesn't mean that he/she doesn't love you with his/her whole heart.
Four: the real friend is who gives your hands but touch your heart.
Five: the worth shape of nostalgia  is when you are beside someone but you know that you never will achieve to her/him.
Six: never leave smiling even when you are sad because it is possible someone fall in love with you because of your smile.
Seven: never spend your time with someone who never wants to spend his/her time with you.
Eight: you might be just one person in the whole world but for some people you are like the world for them.
Nine :maybe God has wanted at first you know some unproper people and then a proper person,after you find him/her you'll know the value of him/her.
Ten: never be sad for something that it was passed and smile for what ever will come.
Eleven: always there are lots of people who botherimg you,but always try to be honest with other people and never trust on someone who has already bothered you.
Twelve: always try to improve your self-steme before you want to know other people.
Thirteen: don't put yourself under pressure,the best things usually happened when you are not waiting for them.

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent advice, Farnaz.I was having a bad day but this really helped. Thanks.
