Tuesday, 6 March 2012

 Male or  Female  ?

Sometimes I have some problems to understand men.I don't know it's my fault or their fault!As you know the creative of this two creature is really different with each other.
Difference between men and women related to their brains structure.
women tent to communicate more effectively than men wemen are emothion and empathy,men are less talkative.
It's werid that men don't like speak too much but women whenever they are happy or sad in both situation , like to speak with someone and explain what happened,men are typically different when they have some problems they don't like to speak with someone because they think that they could solve it themselves they think if they speak with someone about their problems they loose their strength I really can't tolerate this behavier of men because when I have a problem I need to speak with someone , it might that nobody can't help me but when I'm talking about my problemes with someone I feel better .
The first thing that I don't like in men behavier is:when  they don't have enough information about something specially (address) they don't like to ask someone about it.
They think if they ask question it means that they are weak or ...I really can't understand that why men are hesitating to ask an address ,they prefer to round around themselves but don't ask!!
The second thing is: most of the men don't pay attention to the opposite sex.you know there are lots of different between attention and love ,attention means you can understand  your opposite sex and care about her happiness and sadness.speak with her and listen to her carefully.
The third thing is:men think they are good lier but very soon they are forgeting about what did they said,  they make an excuse that we didn't forget what we told you" I just liked you know  the truth and if I was a bad man I never confessed!!"

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