Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Alisadr cave in Iran

The Alisadr cave is the largest water cave in the world which attract millions of people as visitors from all over the world every year.This cave located about 100 kilometers north of Hamedan province in western Iran.
Scientists discovered ancient artworks such as  arrows and animals and etc on the walls of cave that back to 12000 years ago.This cave was known during reign of Darioush (458B.C).
This cave has 70 million year old historical story that was lost and it was rediscovered by Iranian mountain climbing in 1963.
Most of the trip is done by boat in Alisadr cave and you also can walk inside of the cave too.It's not like the river it's similar to long lake.The water of this water cave is usually uses for people who live nearby village Alisadr.
Alisadr cave is too long and it's not discovered totaly therefore when you want to visit inside of cave you have to go with leader who knows the way afew years ago three man who went inside the cave  were lost and they never came back.

File:Alisardr cave by Mardetanha 6484.JPG

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

In my opinion the worst problems that affecting the environment are  :trash and air pollution.
unfortunately in my country for a while people didn't care about the environment and they left their garbage on the nature specificlly in the  north of Iran that covered by parthenogenesis forest and Caspian sea.They were thinking that they have to keep clean their city or areas that they live in it and they didn't know leave the garbage could be really harmful for the environment in the future. As you know  some of  the trash are  non recycle and they remain in the nature for  a long time  and they don't be recycle by themselves.
After people saw they've lost their beautiful nature and they don't have more tendency to go to that nature  they stopped that bad habit .
Goverment with some volunteers  started to clean the sea and forest, most of that garbages were plastics,as you know plastics are non recycleable ,unfortunately lots of fish and birdes dead because of  the water pollution.
The other worse problem in Iran is air pollution.Iran is held in bad geographic situation that it doesn't have wind in fall and winter and because of that the air couldn't move and the air pollution is almost higher than the normal range in winter (Iran also has a dry fall and winter).These days because of the political interdiction Iran can't import the feul therefore it produses feul by itself and it's alittle far from the global standard and there are lots of carbohydrat in the Iranian fuel that causes the air becomes more polluted .
Goverment tried to act some roles such as :even and odd cars number and traffic zone  to prevent  the pollution but it didn't work well.As you know air pollution is really dangerous for people who have assma and heart deseases.
All of these problems have an affect on environment. The best way to keep clean  the environment is teach the people on media. I'm sure people and goverment together can have a big role to keep environment clean.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Thirteen routes of life

One: I love you not because of your personality,perhaps because of the personality that I find when I'm with you.
Two: nobody doesn't have worthiness of   your tears and who has it never caused you cry.
Three: If someone doesn't love you in the way that you want,It doesn't mean that he/she doesn't love you with his/her whole heart.
Four: the real friend is who gives your hands but touch your heart.
Five: the worth shape of nostalgia  is when you are beside someone but you know that you never will achieve to her/him.
Six: never leave smiling even when you are sad because it is possible someone fall in love with you because of your smile.
Seven: never spend your time with someone who never wants to spend his/her time with you.
Eight: you might be just one person in the whole world but for some people you are like the world for them.
Nine :maybe God has wanted at first you know some unproper people and then a proper person,after you find him/her you'll know the value of him/her.
Ten: never be sad for something that it was passed and smile for what ever will come.
Eleven: always there are lots of people who botherimg you,but always try to be honest with other people and never trust on someone who has already bothered you.
Twelve: always try to improve your self-steme before you want to know other people.
Thirteen: don't put yourself under pressure,the best things usually happened when you are not waiting for them.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

 Male or  Female  ?

Sometimes I have some problems to understand men.I don't know it's my fault or their fault!As you know the creative of this two creature is really different with each other.
Difference between men and women related to their brains structure.
women tent to communicate more effectively than men wemen are emothion and empathy,men are less talkative.
It's werid that men don't like speak too much but women whenever they are happy or sad in both situation , like to speak with someone and explain what happened,men are typically different when they have some problems they don't like to speak with someone because they think that they could solve it themselves they think if they speak with someone about their problems they loose their strength I really can't tolerate this behavier of men because when I have a problem I need to speak with someone , it might that nobody can't help me but when I'm talking about my problemes with someone I feel better .
The first thing that I don't like in men behavier is:when  they don't have enough information about something specially (address) they don't like to ask someone about it.
They think if they ask question it means that they are weak or ...I really can't understand that why men are hesitating to ask an address ,they prefer to round around themselves but don't ask!!
The second thing is: most of the men don't pay attention to the opposite sex.you know there are lots of different between attention and love ,attention means you can understand  your opposite sex and care about her happiness and sadness.speak with her and listen to her carefully.
The third thing is:men think they are good lier but very soon they are forgeting about what did they said,  they make an excuse that we didn't forget what we told you" I just liked you know  the truth and if I was a bad man I never confessed!!"

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Are you looking for the good suit for rent?
Are you looking for the nice and quiet neiborhood?
Are you looking for the sunny rooms and tall ceilings?
Do you prefer to convenient to the public transportathion easy?
Yes this is the best situation .
This suit is located in north centeral Calgary,with extera location,great landlords,10 minutes drive to Core ,5 minutes drive to Sait and 5 minutes drive to U of C and easy convenient to bus satation just 3 minutes by walk,100 meters to Safeway.
New renovated suit with new and clean furnicher,very warm ,two small snimals are welcome.
This suit is available Feb 2012
Monthly 1200$
If you are interested on this suit call us as soon as possible it 'll rent quickly.
It is amazing!

Aflatoon philosopher has said:"soul is like a circule and I have explored my soul circules.I have drawn five circules around my soul and I'm in the center of this circules.
At the first circules I've written the names of person who give me a good feeling and at the fifth circules that it was the farther circule to the center,I 've written the name of person who are very far from me and I"ve had more argue with them.
All of us want to have a good feeling about ourselves and sometimes we don't have it.Sometimes our feeling about ourselves is dependant on someone who is in the fifth circule and they are trying to perish our self confidence.
You can force someone to love you then be honest with yourselfand .Don't think that you have to put some people names(who you are spend your time every day with them at work) in the first circule who you don't like them.

In the first circule: put someone who you are believe her/him,even if you can't see them every day but they give you a good feelings(some people who you can be happy with them and they have a strong affect on your life)

In the second circule: put someone who helps you to learn something or someone who you can have a good time with her/him and he/she doesn't cause you have a bad feelings about yourself.

In the third circule: put your coworker and relatives or someone who has a very small affect on your life and you never think about he/she just when you spend your time with he/she.

In the fourth circule: put someone who is bothering you.maybe you don't have a close relationsheep with her/him(maybe your boss) but he/she affect on your social life and you aren't relax when you are beside her/him.

The fifth circule is the place for who has bothered you ,someone who every  time gives you negative energy and you don't have a good feeling when you are with them ,never put your soul in their available.

We are bothering someone who loves us and because of our bad behavier they cry  but we are crying for someone who never thinks about us.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

What is the most 'extreme' thing you've ever done?

If I want to be honest with you I have to say tht I've never done some extreme in my life because  I'm afraid of height and very excitment things.
It does'nt mean that I care about my body too much ,It means I don't have enogh guts to do something strange.
Personality I'm not a risky person and most of the time I act conciously so I don't like put my life in japerdize.
This topic is so difficult for me because I don't have any special things for writing I just can jump down from dive and somersault two times before arriving to the water.
If I want to say I'm not afraid of dive I'm telling lie because I'm afraid of height but I can do that maybe because I've been doing that since I was a child.
Actually I'm not good in winter recreation too I don't like the cold weather ,snow and ice,I have a bad experince of skiing, The first time  when I had gone for skiing I couldn't control myself  . I was sliding down when I hit all the people,who were in my way .when I arrived the end of the pist I turned back and  saw each person had been in my way was on the ground .They were very angry.I never try it more.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


Masoule is a small village in northern part of Iran that has natural attraction and it is unique in many ways.It is one of the smallest village in Gilan province and is located 1050 meters above  the Caspian sea,also if you are interested in mountain climbing , shah moalem peak is located in this village and it is the highest place in the Gilan province it is around3050 meters above Caspian sea.
After passing a beautiful jungle  you will arrive the foot of hill covered with houses and trees.You have to get off your car becauce you can't go to this village by car.All the alleys in Masoule are narrow and it is located on a steep hill then you have to go by walk.The most interesting thigs in Masoule is, unique construction architecture .The houses are built in the rows and each house roof is the yard of the house which is located in upper row.
In the way you are passing  among a village there are lots of traditional restuarant served traditional notth food.
This ancient village has 900 years old and during this time many houses are reconstructed .
The best time for visiting is spring and summer you can also go there fall and winter but it is mostly chilly at that time.There is a small museum in Masoule about a wild life and there is a good hotel for tourist too.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Be careful don't victim of fraud

Unfortunately these days we are seeing fraud in all over the world because of poverty or because of mental problems or just to show other that we are a keen person !
each person has a main reason for fraud even it's not acceptable for us.
I want tell you a real story about fraud that had occured for my brother about four months ago.
Around four months ago when my brother checked his credit account (Online) he understood someone is useing  his credit card  in Vancouver .It was used several times in Gay Bars and future shops and Ikea....
After that my brother called to the bank and explained the story for them .They canceled his credit card to prevent  more uses.The  bank asked  my brother some documents that prove he was in Calgary exactly at that time and after that they returned all the money to his account but they  could'nt fint  that man.
Fortunately my brother would'nt be tricked but  I'm sure there are lots of people in the world that they are the victims of such as this fraud.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012


This story is about a man who was driving in a dark evening in the road near the forest.
the weather was foggy.He pulled over to the side when he couldn't see anything clearly.He got off his car suddenly he heard very strange noise from the forest .He tried to understand it but he couldn't recognize it.He thought with himself'"maybe someone need help it's better i go inside the forest"
He went inside the forest and he heard the noise better it was like  crying.
He went and went suddenly he saw a swan which had stuck through the sticks in the river.Immediately he went to the river and helped it to come out of sticks.

When he was getting back to his car some one called him with a loud voice when he came back he saw very sterange animal that he had'nt never seen something like that.The strange animal told him "I am a forest's ghost and I saw you helped one of animal's forest then you have three choice you can choose them one by one or choose all togheter I'll give you them when ever you want."
The man thought with himself and then he choose the third one.The ghost said" the third one is about marriage each dream you have about marriage I'll give you now."
Again the man thought with himself he liked to have a wife from forest he wanted his wife has a kind heart not like human" stone heart", therefore he. said "I want that white swan as my wife"
The forest's ghost done it and convert the white swan to the human.

The man had a good life with his wife,every day his wife cooked very delicious food for him and they had a good time with each other but the man was understood that his wife isn't really happy and one night he saw she was crying whole the night in dining room after that night the man saw his wife many times near the river, each time she was crying and speaking with anoter swan.
One night the man asked his wife" what happened?why are you crying  these days and speaking with that swan?Do you know her?"
His wife answered"That swan is my sister and I missed her,I am half human and half swan.I love my family and ofcourse I love you  too."
One night when his wife was sleeping the man called forest's ghost and asked him to accept his second dream.The ghost accepted and the man wanted ghost convert his wife to the swan because he did'nt like bother his wife.
The day after when the man was walking beside the river saw two white swan that one of them had a golden ring in her neck.The man could introduce his wife from that ring that he himself bought for her.
when the swan saw the man she cried too much.
The man never choose his third chance.
Oneday neighbors heard crying noise from the man's house when neighbors arrived there,
they understood the man had died and two swans were crying.

Monday, 23 January 2012

As you know Advertisments have an important role in our life.Commercials can help us to choose a best option and good commercial can convince folks to buy a better product.
It is very important how you can introduce your product to the folks and express your message in a very short time movi.Ofcourse who win in this competition could seld the large amount of product.
The funny advertisment that i have ever seen is about Chewing gum.
The story is about an old woman who wanted to pick up coconuts from very tall tree.she was on the  top of the tall tree that suddenly she saw a young boy was siting under the tree and he was chewing the chewing gum very fast.In one second she came down the tree and fasten the boy's head to the tree by a very thick rope whenever the boy was chewing the chewing gum large amount of coconuts were falling down on the ground  and the old woman could picked up all the coconuts from the ground just in  a few seconds.
Im my opinion this ad is meaningful and each person with each custom and cultural can easily understand it ,beside that it is easy to understanding it is unpredictable and universal.
This advertisment can competition with other advertisment because it is too funny and has a good technique.I remember it because it'S too funny.
That was my favorite ad.